In celebration of the 10th anniversary of Kakaotalk gift, we created a discussion board where the users can share their experiences of using Kakaotalk gift. We then selected stories that were touching, funny, and relatable and shared them through various forms of media. 
Each story tells the audience about their heart-touching or funny experiences of using Kakaotalk Gift, such as sending a pair of sneakers to a daughter who passed away, or receiving a coffee coupon when the person asked her crush to grab coffee together. Through this campaign, we aimed to deliver the message that the sincerity and heart are the only things that matter when sending a gift to someone. This draft emphasizes a story's content with a comprehensive and applicable copy that says “Our Heartwarming Stories of Kakaotalk Gift”.

카카오톡 선물하기 10주년을 맞이하여 이용자들의 선물 사연을 받는 이벤트로. 선정된 사연의 주인공에게 선물 증정을 하고 사연을 다양한 매체를 통해 공유하고자 합니다.
선물은 물건보단 보낸이/받는이의 정성과 마음이 중요하다는 이미지를 전달하고자 하였습니다. 사연임을 은유적으로 표현한 포괄적인 카피로 사연이 더욱 돋보이게 하였습니다.


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